The Scholastic Art Show is fast approaching and we need your help!
What is the Scholastic Art Show?
Each year the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards partners with more than 100 arts organizations across the nation to bring the Scholastic Awards to local communities. District 99 is the host of the western suburban affiliate and the event will take place at DGN. There are over 20 schools participating in our local show this year. Student submissions are juried by some of the foremost leaders in visual arts. Jurors look for works that exemplify the Awards' core values of originality, technical skill, and emerging personal voice and vision. Students receiving Gold Keys at the regional awards are invited to submit to the national competition. National medalists are recognized in part at a ceremony at Carnegie Hall in New York City. This is such an exciting event for our visual arts students! Our regional show will be judged on January 18th. There will then be a reception for the public from 1:00-5:00 on Sunday February 2nd.
How can you help with this amazing event?
DGN FOFA needs your help! Sign up now to volunteer at either of these two dates and to bring treats:
Corporate Support:
Do you own a food or drink business and would like to make an edible donation to either judging day or to the reception? We expect 1000+ attendees at the reception and will proudly post advertising for your business on the food table in exchange for a food donation for either date. Please contact Jessie Gwozdz at 847-347-0087 or to discuss.
Thank you for supporting the DGN Visual Arts!