If you would like to become active in the DGN Friends of Fine Arts, please consider attending one of our monthly meetings, or contact a member of the Executive Board to see where your help is most needed. New faces and helping hands are always welcome!


Please Consider Volunteering!

The DGN Friends of Fine Arts would not be the success it is without our parent volunteers. There are many different ways to donate your time, throughout the school year.  Help out as often as you would like!   We’re sure you can find something that will fit your schedule. From working a concert, supporting an art show, chaperoning a trip or spending time on a fundraiser there is something for everyone.

The "SignUp.com" webpage, is where you can sign up to help at individual events. You can sign up for volunteer tasks now, or at any time throughout the year. We have attempted to post all of the volunteer needs currently known.

Throughout the year come back to our site and click on the SignUp button you see on the upper left hand side of the home page. You may also find this button on the DGN Fine Arts Department website.

We truly appreciate the time you give us, and the Fine Arts students of North High.  Thanks again!