If you would like to become active in the DGN Friends of Fine Arts, please consider attending one of our monthly meetings, or contact a member of the Executive Board to see where your help is most needed. New faces and helping hands are always welcome!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

What's Cooking in YOUR Kitchen?

DGN Friends of Fine Arts wants to know! In fact, DGN FOFA wants you to be a part of a very special project. We are creating a community cookbook: Comfort and Joy: Recipes for Quarantine and Other Times at Home, and YOU can be a featured culinary contributor!

We hope that it will serve as a memory of the best parts of Quarantine 2020 – what we did at home, e-learning and what we created in our kitchens! This cookbook will serve to begin raising funds for the future needs of our students and the Fine Arts Department while also being a remembrance of this unusual time. It will remind us years from now not only who was a part of our Fine Arts Community, but what we did and what we cooked to bring comfort and joy to our homes.

Our Fine Arts Teachers are helping by sending details of what has gone on during e-learning and collecting art to submit for our book. Please take 10 minutes today (Or by Friday May 15th) and be a part of this unique and special effort! Share one or more recipes and complete our survey of activities at home - individually or as a family unit. It’s easy, just follow these steps!

  1. Log onto CookbookFundraiser.com here
  2. In the upper right corner, you will find an orange square that says "Cookbook Login" - click on this.
  3. Fill in your name as you would like to see it printed with your recipe; add your email address and use Login: DGNFOFA and Password: cooking66
  4. You will be first asked a few questions from drop boxes. Next you can enter the recipe(s).
  5. Take our quick Google Survey and participate in our Top Ten lists here.
Thank you in in advance for your contributions! We can’t wait to Try Everything (see what we did there?) - the old favorites and the new favorites.

Feel free to contact our committee members with questions or suggestions:

CO-CHAIR: Ann Wasilowski: annwasilowski@gmail.com
CO-CHAIR: Ziba Irvin: zibairvin@gmail.com
Hemaxi Mistry: hemaxi.mistry.2011@gmail.com
Katie Blanchard: katie.h.blanchard@gmail.com
Aimee Derylo: aimee.derylo@gmail.com
Jennifer Larkin: jennifer@thepaperpeony.co
Kimberly Schmurr: President.dgnfofa@gmail.com

On behalf of the DGN FOFA Cookbook Committee, stay safe, be well and keep creating!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Congratulations to Our Senior College Scholarship Winners

Hello to all in the midst of these strange and challenging times. We sincerely hope that everyone is doing well and keeping healthy and is able to stay connected to the Fine Arts - music, visual, theater - in some way, shape or form as a way to move positively through our current social predicament. Thank you to the DGN Fine Arts department for your efforts to keep us all connected to the Fine Arts world. These trying times have highlighted how important the arts truly are!

And now for something completely different... SOME GOOD NEWS!

FOFA would like to congratulate the recipients of  DGN Friends of Fine Arts Senior College Scholarships.  

Students are receiving awards under two categories: 1) students planning to purse a degree within the Fine Arts and 2) students planning to continue their participation in the arts while pursuing other academic interests.  

Congratulations to:

Fine Arts Major 
  • Audrey Dwyer
  • Emma Krause
  • Catherine Ramsey

Continuing in Fine Arts Participation
  • Rebecca Edmundsen
  • Brady Moore

Our sincerest congrats to this year's recipients!

And we hope to "see" some of you tonight at the DGN Band Banquet!