If you would like to become active in the DGN Friends of Fine Arts, please consider attending one of our monthly meetings, or contact a member of the Executive Board to see where your help is most needed. New faces and helping hands are always welcome!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Custom Spiritwear Anyone?


Support DGN Friends of Fine Arts with amazing NEW merchandise options! 


With students heading back into the building, it’s time to step up your Fine Arts game! Our new website is now live and ready for ordering, and just as before — we will do social-distance delivery when the items are ready. Check it out and prepare to be amazed! https://dgn.spiritsale.com/products is the direct link, or you can follow the instructions on THIS FLYER


Please note: many items may be customized for Band, Choir, Orchestra, Theatre, or Visual Arts. Don't be fooled by the thumbnail image; if you like a product, click on it to explore the options for personalization


Also, don’t forget we are your source for yard signs, cookbooks and T-shirts: https://dgn-friends-of-fine-arts.square.site/


As always, contact dgnfofaspirit@gmail.com if you have any questions. Thank you!

DGN-FOFA Spirit Sales Committee

Final Reminder Fannie May candy ordering will close this Wednesday, October 28th!


The DGN Friends of Fine Arts 2020 Fannie May Candy Fundraiser is coming to an end – don’t miss out!  Just a couple of days left to place your orders.  The online ordering will close THIS WEDNESDAY, October 28th!  We are re-posting our earlier announcement of the candy sale in case you missed it.

The DGN Fine Arts programs are counting on your support.  Thank you for your consideration and efforts!


The DGN Friends of Fine Arts are happy to announce that the DGN Friends of Fine Arts 2020 Fannie May Candy Fundraiser and celebrate its 100th Anniversary! As the weather cools and the leaves begin to turn, we know the holidays are just around the corner. While many of our holiday celebrations will look different this year, there is one holiday tradition that we can still enjoy – delicious Fannie May chocolates! Let us cherish these delicious, premium, fine chocolates made since past century!



Fine Arts students and their families should have already received an email regarding the sale with links to the Fannie May Holiday Catalog and the site to place your order. You can also find them HERE and HERE.

The Fannie May Candy sales program is an important fundraising revenue stream for DGN Fine Arts (along with Spirit Wear sales and the Spring Plant Sale) and it is a vital component in reaching our 
annual goal of $50,000 to support our Fine Arts students and programs. If every Fine Arts student at DGN sold or purchased one box of Pixies, more than $4,000 would be earned toward that targeted number!

 A few helpful selling points/ideas:

·         Candy makes a great Christmas/Holiday gift - a perfect way to celebrate the season or say "thank you" to someone.

·         Student orders will be delivered to DGN (NOT to homes) and ready for drive through pickup on the morning of Saturday, November 21st - in time for Thanksgiving.

·         Prices are the same as in store - but NO sales tax.

·         Orders will be delivered by the student seller (or proxy) to the customer- no dealing with crowds and waiting in lines.

·         Delicious Fannie May chocolate confections. 'Nuff said!

 Questions? Please contact Chairperson Kathy Nelson at tknel@att.net, or 630.269.9708

 Thank you very much for your support of DGN Fine Arts. Happy Selling!



Sunday, October 18, 2020

DGN FOFA meeting Reminder - Tuesday October 20th, 7pm.

 Dear FOFA members,

This is a friendly reminder that our first FOFA meeting of this school year is scheduled for Tuesday, October 20th at 7:00 pm. If you would like to participate via zoom link, then please email PresidentDGNFOFA@gmail.com to get an access to the link. Thank you so much and we look forward to see you.

Monday, October 5, 2020

It's October and That Means It's Fannie May Time!


The DGN Friends of Fine Arts are happy to announce that the DGN Friends of Fine Arts 2020 Fannie May Candy Fundraiser and celebrate its 100th Anniversary! As the weather cools and the leaves begin to turn, we know the holidays are just around the corner. While many of our holiday celebrations will look different this year, there is one holiday tradition that we can still enjoy – delicious Fannie May chocolates! Let us cherish these delicious, premium, fine chocolates made since past century!

The program officially kicked off this week and will run through Wednesday, October 28th.


Fine Arts students and their families should have already received an email regarding the sale with links to the Fannie May Holiday Catalog and the site to place your order. You can also find them HERE and HERE.

The Fannie May Candy sales program is an important fundraising revenue stream for DGN Fine Arts (along with Spirit Wear sales and the Spring Plant Sale) and it is a vital component in reaching our 
annual goal of $50,000 to support our Fine Arts students and programs. If every Fine Arts student at DGN sold or purchased one box of Pixies, more than $4,000 would be earned toward that targeted number!