If you would like to become active in the DGN Friends of Fine Arts, please consider attending one of our monthly meetings, or contact a member of the Executive Board to see where your help is most needed. New faces and helping hands are always welcome!

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Scholarship Alert (Seniors): 2023 DGN-FOFA Senior Scholarships

What is the Senior Scholarship?

The Downers Grove North Friends of Fine Arts (FOFA) are pleased to announce our Senior Scholarship award program. FOFA will award scholarships to seniors who are planning to continue their education in the fall following their high school graduation and who plan to participate in some capacity in the fine arts. The FOFA Senior Scholarship Committee reviews the applications in a blind format.

Who may apply?

Current DGN seniors may apply for a scholarship if they are planning to be both involved in the fine arts and continue their education in the fall of 2023. To be eligible, the student must be enrolled in a Fine Arts course during their senior year and have completed 6 semesters of Fine Arts courses upon graduation from Downers Grove North High School.  

  • At least one scholarship will be awarded to a senior attending a college in the fall where they will be pursuing a degree involving Fine Arts.
  • At least one scholarship will be awarded to a senior who is pursuing an area of study outside of the Fine Arts but plans to continue a Fine Arts activity in college during their freshman year.
  • One student who will be majoring in Fine Arts education will be awarded the Brayer Teague Scholarship for Arts Education

To what may the award be applied? 

Recipients will use this one-time award towards tuition at an accredited two or four-year institution of higher learning. The FOFA Senior Scholarship will be administered and awarded in compliance with the DGN Student/Parent Handbook and Code of Conduct Policy.

How do I apply?

Complete the application (fillable Google Form), which can be found HERE or at tinyurl.com/DGN-FOFA-SeniorScholarship2023 The application requires a typed parent/guardian acknowledgment signature. Applications must be submitted electronically via the Google Form no later than 11:59 pm, Wednesday, March 22, 2023.  The Fine Arts Department Chairperson will then accept all applications, remove the student’s name from the application, assign the application an ID number, and submit it to the Scholarship Review Committee for blind review.

What are the criteria for selecting winners?

The Scholarship Review Committee will review the applicant’s grades in the Fine Arts, school activities involving the Fine Arts, activities outside of school involving the Fine Arts, other extracurriculars at DGN, civic/community service, work experience, and essays about the applicant’s future plans and growth as an artist/musician/thespian.  All of these components will be judged blindly and relative to other applicants with similar future plans. Semi-finalists may be required to attend an interview with the Scholarship Review Committee in April. The recipients will be presented with the scholarship at the DGN Senior Awards Night (currently scheduled for Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023), or by a phone call from the FOFA President.

Please note: If you are the recipient of a full Fine Arts or full academic grant/scholarship for college, we ask that you do not apply for the FOFA Scholarship as you will not be eligible.

Checklist for completion:

  1. Complete the Google application form in its entirety, including student and parent electronic signature and date.   We suggest you use Google Docs or another tool to create your essay responses, then copy these to the form.  
  2. Submit the completed application by 11:59 PM, Wednesday, March 23, 2022. You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours that your submission has been received. If you do not receive an email, please re-submit. 

Scholarship Alert (Freshmen/Sophomores/Juniors): 2023 Summer Study Grant in the Fine Arts! (DGN FOFA)

If you are interested in continuing your Fine Arts studies this summer at a music, theatre, or visual art camp/workshop, and would benefit from financial assistance to attend, please consider applying for a scholarship from the DGN Friends of Fine Arts, which annually supports $8,000 - $10,000 in Summer Study Grants to student musicians, thespians and visual artists.

To be considered, your application must be submitted by Sunday, April 16, 2023. The Summer Study Grant application is completely paperless, HERE. You may also complete the form here:

Scholarship Awards will be announced in early May.  Questions about the application process? Please ask Mr. Teague, Downers Grove North Fine Arts Department Chairperson.

Monday, January 23, 2023


We are so EXCITED to share with you the ticket link for our Friends of Fine Arts DESSERT SHOWCASE!  Please mark your calendars for Saturday February 25th, get your tickets and join us for a SPECTACULAR evening with jazz band performances, choir performances and even a REALLY COOL surprise from the visual arts department! Please get your tickets and join us in the DGN COMMONS to see these amazing students and fine arts department showcases!!!  

Best part of the Evening?  You will be supporting the fine arts at DGN and a part of scholarships offered to our talented students. Share in the wonderful things FOFA does to support the staff and students!  

Tickets: $30.00/adults

            $5.00 students/children

Don't hesitate....... Get your tickets today!