If you would like to become active in the DGN Friends of Fine Arts, please consider attending one of our monthly meetings, or contact a member of the Executive Board to see where your help is most needed. New faces and helping hands are always welcome!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Welcome to FOFA - Looking For Additional Volunteers!

Welcome to the New Year and to the DGN Friends of Fine Arts!  We will be using this Blogspot instead of a newsletter to share information. Look for news and announcements on this site.  To begin, there are several open positions on the board for the 2017-2018 school year.  If you are interested in getting involved, take a look at this list and let us know how you would like to help.  They are:

Spiritwear Co-Chair
~ Assist and Work with other Spiritwear Co-Chair to run the Spiritwear Program. 

Band Banquet Co-Chair
~ Work with the other Co-Chair to organize and arrange details of the Spring Band banquet.

Orchestra Hospitality Co-Chair 
~ Arrange for and coordinate refreshments and decorations for orchestra concerts at North and for special events for students and parents.

Visual Arts Hospitality Committee
~ Arrange for and coordinate refreshments and decorations at art shows and special events for students and parents.

Band Banquet Raffle Co-Chair
~ Organize and coordinate raffle donations from community members and band families.
~ Set up and run the raffle at the band banquet.
~ Both positions are open.

Orchestra Banquet Raffle Co-Chair
~ Organize and coordinate raffle donations from community members and orchestra families.
~ Set up and run raffle at the orchestra banquet. 

Artfully yours,

Barb Friedel