If you would like to become active in the DGN Friends of Fine Arts, please consider attending one of our monthly meetings, or contact a member of the Executive Board to see where your help is most needed. New faces and helping hands are always welcome!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

The 2019 DGN FOFA Plant Sale...

...is going on now!

Our 2019 DGN Friends of Fine Arts (FOFA) Fundraising Plant Sale is underway! We are selling a variety of flowers in flats, half-flats, pots and hanging baskets. 

We are also selling vegetables, and new for this year, we have herbs available!

All proceeds from the sale support FOFA’s efforts to raise funds for all the programs our Fine Arts students participate in, enhancing their musical, artistic and theatrical experiences at DGN. If we all get the lead out we could make this our most successful Plant Sale fundraiser yet!

Order forms and additional information about this fundraiser are available here.

Orders are due by Wednesday, April 3rd.  Please make checks payable to DGN Friends of Fine Arts (no cash please). 

Pick-up day is Saturday, May 4th (the weekend before Mother’s Day.)  We need student and parent volunteers to help with sorting and distributing the plants on that day (multiple shifts available).  Please sign up on the Volunteer Spot here.  http://signup.com/go/UQnNRHx

Questions can be directed to Plant Sale Chairpersons Lisa Szostak  (drewandlisasz@yahoo.com) and Lauren Hopkins (laulaukelly@hotmail.com)

Thank you for supporting DGN Fine Arts!

Thursday, March 7, 2019

We Got The Beast...

Come and get yourself some! Enjoy the hard work of our DGN students and staff and support the Fine Arts program. This Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 7th, 8th and 9th.

Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for students (outside D99) and senior citizens, and free for D99 students with their school ID. Tickets can be purchased at the North High Activities Office or at the door at the night of the event. For more information, contact Sharon Mamula at smamula@csd99.org or 630-795-8413. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Fine Arts Seniors - There Is Still Time To Apply For Scholarships!


The Downers Grove North Friends of Fine Arts (FOFA) are pleased and excited to announce our new scholarship award program for 2018-19!

DGN-FOFA will award $1,000 scholarships to two seniors who are planning to continue their education the fall after their high school graduation.

Current DGN seniors who are planning to continue both involvement in the fine arts and their education in the fall of 2019 may apply for a scholarship. The student must be enrolled in Fine Arts curriculum during their Senior year and have completed 6 semesters of Fine Arts courses upon graduation from Downers Grove North High School.

  • One scholarship will be awarded to a senior attending a college in the fall where they will be pursuing a degree involving Fine Arts.
  • One scholarship will be awarded to a senior who is pursuing an area of study outside of the Fine Arts but plans to continue a Fine Arts activity in college during their freshman year.
Complete the application (fillable PDF), which can be found here:

All applications must be submitted by 11:59 pm, Friday, March 8, 2019. Applications instructions may be found at the link provided. Student names will be removed from applications, assigned an ID number, and submitted to the Scholarship Review Committee for blind review.

The Scholarship Review Committee will focus on the applicant’s grades in the Fine Arts, their school activities involving the Fine Arts, and other extracurriculars at DGN. Additionally, the Committee will look at the applicant’s activities outside of school involving the Fine Arts, community service, and other accomplishments. The student’s GPA is only one criteria, and the essay response will weigh heavily in the decision process. Semi-finalists may be required to attend an interview with the Scholarship Review Committee in April. The recipients will be presented with the scholarship at the DGN Senior Awards Night on Wednesday, May 8th, 2019.

Monday, March 4, 2019

A Reminder For FOFA's March Meeting

This month's Friends of Fine Arts meeting is TUESDAY March 5th at 7:00 pm in the DGN Alumni Room.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend as we review finances and fund raisers, discuss upcoming senior scholarships, address volunteer resources, hear teachers' reports and open the floor to new business. 

DGN FOFA meeting are always concise and informative and well worth your time investment - hope to see you there!