If you would like to become active in the DGN Friends of Fine Arts, please consider attending one of our monthly meetings, or contact a member of the Executive Board to see where your help is most needed. New faces and helping hands are always welcome!

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

DGN-FOFA Presents: Pursuing Your Artistic Passion in College

Thursday, November 11, 2021

7 - 8 PM
North High School - Room N4 (Pohlmann Hall)

Intended Audience:
  • 10th or 11th graders (and their guardians), considering a Fine Arts related major or minor at the collegiate level. 
  • 12th graders (and their guardians), currently making application to college as a Fine Arts related major or looking to extend their involvement in the arts while majoring in a non-arts subject.

The Downers Grove North Friends of Fine Arts is pleased to sponsor a panel conversation, with discipline specific break-out sessions, for families with students considering the study of Fine Arts at the post-secondary level. Application strategies for students who wish to major, or minor, in music, theatre or visual art will be shared. Tips for staying connected to the Fine Arts, while studying a different discipline in college, will also be discussed. Panelists will allow time for student and guardian questions.

Ms. Amy Bernard, Visual Art
Mr. Joshua Hoering, Visual Art
Mr. Demetrios Pappageorge, Theatre
Mr. Jessen T. Smith, Music
Mr. Andrew Snider, Theatre
Ms. Amanda Zall, Music

Mr. Brayer Teague, Fine Arts Department Chairperson

Families are asked to PRE-REGISTER by having the STUDENT fill out the registration-form by Monday, November 8. Students, please CLICK HERE to register

Monday, October 4, 2021

2021 Fannie May Candy Sale - DGN Friends of Fine Arts

The DGN Friends of Fine Arts are pleased to announce the 2021 Fannie May Candy Fundraiser, designed to generate funds to support our student musicians, thespians and visual artists!

As the weather cools and the leaves begin to turn, we know the holidays are just around the corner. We are excited to continue a holiday tradition that is over 100 years old: delicious Fannie May chocolates! 

The Fannie May Candy sales program is an important fundraising revenue stream for DGN Friends of Fine Arts (along with Spirit Wear sales and the Spring Plant Sale) and it is a vital component in reaching our annual goal of $50,000 to support our Fine Arts students and programs. If every Fine Arts student at DGN sold or purchased one box of Pixies, more than $4,000 would be earned toward that targeted number!

Our sale officially kicks off this week, and runs through Wednesday, October 27th. Candy will be available for drive-through pick up at DGN on Saturday, November 20th. Additional details regarding the pick-up are coming soon.

The Fannie May 2021 Holiday Catalog may be viewed online. 

PLEASE CLICK HERE for the online order form.

Questions regarding the sale may be directed to Chairperson Ms. Kathy Nelson, at tknel@att.net, or 630-269-9708.

Thank you for your continued support of the Fine Arts at Downers Grove North High School!