If you would like to become active in the DGN Friends of Fine Arts, please consider attending one of our monthly meetings, or contact a member of the Executive Board to see where your help is most needed. New faces and helping hands are always welcome!

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Welcome to 2020-21 school year and Thank you to all the contributing and volunteering FOFA Members

 WELCOME to DGN 2020-21 School Year! With the end of last year being cut short, and many events not being held, this is just a quick post to pass on an overdue THANK YOU to all of our DGN FOFA contributing members over the past 2019-20 school year. Thank you for their generous donations to the DGN Fine Arts programs! We also would like to extend our gratitude to all the volunteers who put forth their precious time either being a board member, a committee chair or pitching in to help volunteer for all the different Fine Arts events. 

Every year DGN Friends of  Fine Arts sets a financial fundraising goal for the year. We achieve that goal through fundraising and donations to our Contributing Members Fund. Past years Contributing member's helped fund activities across ALL disciplines.

DGN Friends of Fine Arts appreciates each and every one for the continuing generosity in helping make DGN Fine Arts the amazing program that it is! Lastly we would like to extend our thanks to all the wonderful volunteers who help our events run smooth by generously donating their time and energy. THANK YOU!!!